Buy the Dispensary’s calendar!

Updated on: Aucune révision

Photo : Marie Sébire

During its fourth Mothers’ Day Benefit Luncheon last May, a photo exhibit of 17 families who were helped by the Dispensary in the past 45 years was put on display.

These photos, all taken by professional photographers, made up a beautiful August 2016 to December 2017 calendar. The families, who were depicked in their everyday life at home or in a favorite environment, share an account of their encounter with the Dispensary’s team.  Reading these accounts, written in both French and English, allows for a better understanding of the different situations which bring the families to seek help and counseling during such an important event in their lives.  One also gets to look inside the walls of the Dispensary giving a better insight of the work done by this Montreal’s “Beacon of Hope” which specialises in perinatal and social nutrition.

The proceedings from the calendar,  which is available  online or on site, will allow the Dispensary to nourish life in the best way possible.

Price of the calendar: $20.00 plus mailing costs if applicable.

In collaboration with the Dispensary workers

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