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What is the Dispensary’s recommendation on the consumption of liver during pregnancy?

In light of recent studies, the Dispensary recommends avoiding eating liver until the 12th week of pregnancy, and to limit consumption to 75 grams...

Is there a risk of vitamin A toxicity for the fetus?

Yes, but if and only if vitamin A as retinol is present in very large quantities. Vitamin A is essential for proper development of...

Does a pregnant woman who has a parent with a neural tube defect need more folic acid?

Possibly. Some women may require more folic acid when their baby is at moderate or high risk of having a neural tube defect or other...

Is a folic acid supplement essential during pregnancy?

Yes. Health Canada recommends that pregnant women take a folic acid supplement of 0.4 mg daily (the amount included in PRENATAL MULTIVITAMINS). In fact, it...

Protecting children from the sun: are clothes enough?

Yes for the body parts that are covered, but it is the combination of clothing, hat and sunscreen that provides the best protection. The skin...

Should we stop vitamin D supplements for children over one year who eat everything?

Yes and no. Children aged one year and older need 600 international units (IU) of vitamin D daily. Health Canada recommends a supplement of...

Should we give vitamin and mineral supplements to young children?

In general, taking vitamin and mineral supplements is not recommended for children. However, in certain situations, a supplement can be useful and can be...

What to think about baby-led weaning?

Baby-led weaning (BLW) is an approach that encourages babies to eat on their own. Although few studies have been done on this method, scientific evidence suggests...

Can a pregnant woman eat desserts containing raw eggs?

No. For the entire duration of their pregnancy, women must avoid consuming raw or partially cooked eggs, including dishes that may contain them. Raw or partially...

What precautions should pregnant women take when exercising?

A pregnant woman should avoid exercises of high-intensity, excessive fatigue and dehydration as well as certain dangerous sports. It is important that she listens to her body and prioritizes her...

What types of physical activity are appropriate for pregnant women?

It is recommended that pregnant women combine cardiovascular exercise with moderate-intensity strength and flexibility exercises. They should aim to engage in at least 150 minutes...

Can pregnant women participate in physical activity?

Yes, science shows that there is no risk inperforming physical activity during pregnancy if no health-related problems exist. It is recommended that all pregnant woman with no contraindications engage in a minimum of 150 minutes...

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