Search results for: oméga-3

Do omega-3 supplements help reduce the risk of preeclampsia?

No. Although it is known that a sufficient blood omega-3 level reduces the risk of preeclampsia, studies have not shown any benefits of consuming...

I don’t eat fish. How can I be certain I eat enough omega-3 during my pregnancy?

It will be necessary to include other omega-3 rich foods in your diet, such as algae, eggs and omega-3 enriched beverages.  Certain oils and...

How to ensure an adequate omega-3 intake during pregnancy?

Health Canada, the World Health Organization and the Montreal Diet Dispensary prefer a food approach to address omega-3 needs. In addition, the Dispensary recommends...

How to choose an omega-3 supplement?

Before choosing an omega-3 supplement, it is advisable to read the points below. In case of doubt or to verify whether an omega-3 supplement...

Do all pregnant women need an omega-3 supplement?

No. An omega-3 supplement is not recommended for all pregnant women. A full evaluation by a nutritionist of the diet and risk factors in...

Work plan for cooking workshop on fish

Fish is rich in essential nutrients for a healthy pregnancy. At the Dispensary, we encourage the consumption of 300 g of fish per week...

What dietary recommendations are there for breastfeeding mothers?

During the breastfeeding period, it is important to have a balanced, varied diet that includes sufficient energy, protein, good fats, vitamins and minerals. The body...

Are there risks to being on a vegetarian or vegan diet while pregnant?

There are usually no risks for vegetarians. On the other hand, vegans are at higher risk of developing multiple nutritional deficiencies during pregnancy. Vegan diets...

Does the diet of the mother affect the quality of breast milk?

Yes, the mother's diet influences the content of certain nutrients in her milk. The type of fat found in milk depends on the food intake...

How to choose fish that is healthy and good for the planet?

It may seem complicated to make a wise choice that can both minimize environmental impact and that brings all the nutritional benefits of fish....

Should fish be avoided during pregnancy because of its contaminants?

No. Fish is an excellent source of omega-3, which is essential to the proper development of the baby. Although some fish contain significant amounts...

Can a pregnant woman eat canned fish?

Yes, since canned fish provides several benefits: long-term conservation, easy preparation, affordability and availability. Several canned fishes prove to be more interesting choices for pregnant...

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